07 January 2009

We miss you!

This post is for Aunt Kacy and Aunt Brianna. Both are away for the week... Aunt Kacy is at a work conference in Savannah, while Aunt Brianna is visiting family in North Carolina. Both are way smarter then us, because it's freezing up here in New Jersey. See...
Aunt Kacy even said it was 78 degrees yesterday in Savannah. She is the devil.

Anyway, while you are both gone, I've been trying to keep myself busy. I'm just laying around...

Watching my aquarium...

Even eating my toes {which are surprisingly delicious}...

But nothing compares to the hugs and kisses I get from 2 of my favorite Auntie's. So please have a safe trip and come home soon. We all miss you.


Anonymous said...

awwww carter! you're so smart! typing your own blog and everything! i miss everyone too! if it makes you feel any better, it is warm here but disgusting and rainy!

jenni from the blog said...

it doesn't make me feel better, you brat- we have freezing rain.

isn't carter just so smart? i still have to talk to him about how he got may password. he must have his father's computer skillzzz.

Anonymous said...

Haha, love the eating the toes pic. And how cute are you, Carter, in your sock cap?!

C Moorhouse said...

Connor loves his aquarium too! He really wants those fish to come out and play with him. Carter is really growing up fast! We should try to get together once the weather turns warm. For now, stay warm!

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