21 October 2009


I've been talking so much about Christmas lately that I've almost forgotten about Halloween. Let me tell you a little something about Halloween.... I hate it. I've always hated it. When other kids would be excited to dress up and head out in the neighborhood for lots of treats, I would stay home "sick." I swear I was "sick" every year from 4th grade on. I just hated going out and begging for candy. I also hated dressing up in a costume. All in all, I hated it.

Once I had Carter, I tried to be a little more enthusiastic about this "holiday." I don't want to affect his liking of Halloween either way. Like most kids, I'm sure he'll love it. So I guess I have to learn to love it too... at least for the 25 years that I'll be walking with him from house to house.

Here is my little monkey from last year... just 3 months old.
Ain't he cute? ;)

While trying to come up with ideas for costumes this year, a few things ran through our minds. Carter loves the movie Happy Feet, so a penguin was one idea that we came up with. He also loves Monster's Inc. and I found the cutest Mike Wazowski costume for him, but all the sizes online were way too big for him. Then we finally came up with the perfect costume for Carter Man this year. The character of all characters.... his all time favorite cartoon to watch {at the moment.} The guy he laughs at over and over. Tigger.

Can't wait to see him in his costume this year. You know there will be lots of pictures to come ;) I think I'm starting to like Halloween. Um, I mean...


Moorhouse said...

Connor is going to be a tiger too (and was a monkey last year) - my second choice was penguin - great minds! maybe next year.

grammy brenda said...

He is going to look adorable! can't wait to see him!!

Mindy said...

Halloween is not one of my favorite holidays either. I hate how people say, let us have Halloween before stores put out Christmas decorations. I am completely okay with them putting Christmas decorations out not and skipping over Halloween. :)

Hopefully this year with Cecilia, I will like it a little more then in years past.

Carter will make a cute Tigger! :)

Leanne said...

My Lucas will be Tigger, too! And I also "hate" Halloween, but I have a husband that LOVES it, so I've made a few compromises. Carter will be adorable as always!

jenni from the blog said...

Bob hates Halloween about as much as I do! That's never good, lol...

Cati said...

Last year Conner (my DS) was that monkey and this year we have the same Tigger costume. Great minds and all that jazz :o)

Anonymous said...

25 years? ;)

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