01 February 2010

Furniture: Check.

That's right... we ordered the furniture for baby girl's room yesterday!!!! I am SO excited.

Babies R Us was having a huge sale this weekend, so we decided to take advantage. The first part of the sale was their "Great Trade-in Event" where you could bring in an old stroller, car seat, crib, etc. and trade it in for a 25% off coupon that could be used towards a brand new stroller, car seat, crib, etc. {And, yes, you can trade-in a car seat and use the coupon towards a crib. It doesn't have to be for the same item.}

So my mother-in-law, who generously offered to buy baby girl's nursery furniture, brought in her car seat for a coupon. Even though the car seat was relatively new, it was only about $60 and she would save much more then that on the crib... so trade-it-in she did.

When we got back to the furniture section and also took a look at the fine print on the coupon, we noticed that it was only for certain brands. Of course, the Da Vinci Kalani Crib that I wanted for baby girl was NOT on the list. True story. But the Delta Collection WAS.

Because I had already picked out the Delta SoHo dresser and changer for Brynn's room, I decided to take a closer look at the matching crib. I remember liking it a lot, but it was a little different then the Da Vinci in that it had the wider slat's on the front and back rails. After testing it out a bit, everyone decided that they liked it, so we went ahead and ordered the entire Delta SoHo Collection in Black. LOVE. Here it is, again, for your viewing pleasure.

Isn't it gorgeous!?! =)

So, back to the savings part... besides the 25% trade-in coupon, we also had a 20% off one item that could be used towards the purchase of one of the dressers! Lastly, I had a coupon to get a free gift card when you spend a certain amount on furniture. Even though we qualified for the $150 gift card, in order to use all the coupons that we had, we had to pay for everything separately so they couldn't give us the $150... but they did give us the $50 card! So this was our total savings:

Crib: $349.99 - 25% trade-in {87.49} = $262.50
Dresser/Changer: $399.99 - 20% coupon {$79.99} = $320
5 Drawer Dresser: $399.99 - $50 BRU Gift Card = $349.99
Total Cost before discounts: $1200
Tax: $84
Purchased in {tax-free} Delaware: -$84
Final Cost: $982.50
Total Savings: $301.50 {including money saved on tax}


To finally finish up this story, as we were paying for everything, my mother-in-law was thinking more and more about the trade-in coupon. As we were shopping, they had several cheap umbrella strollers on sale for $20. So MIL went up to the customer service desk and said "If I purchase one of the $20 umbrella strollers and use that for my trade-in coupon, can I have my convertible car seat back?" AND THEY LET HER! Awesome.

Everything will be here in 7-14 days. Time to start cleaning out the room!!

And lastly, I must admit that there were a few purchases made for baby girl yesterday. While shopping for a gift for Kristal's new baby boy, I perused over to the girl section and, to my utter delight, was an entire blue and white section for girls!!!!!!!!!!! =) I got the cutest. outfit. ever. for Brynn. Maybe she can wear it to Carter's second birthday party in July. I'm just sayin'

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Anonymous said...

Awesome! I can't wait to see the room all put together!

Anonymous said...

Love the new layout, obsessed with that crib!!

staci said...

Love the furniture! I can't wait to see the final room because I know you'll make it look fabulous!

Sarah said...

It's gorgeous! Can't wait to see it all together!!!

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate you couldn't combine to get and even better deal! They should of let you use them togethor 25% and 20% because they are seperate coupons. Normally, you only have to seperate if you have two of the exact coupon, say two 20% off.

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