12 July 2010


I'm going to whine for a second.

It's July 12th. I started the 30 Day Shred 12 days ago.

I have yet to lose a single pound.

Correction... I may or may not have lost the pound that I gained around day 3.

What the heck? I mean, I know it's only been 12 days, but really? Not a single pound in almost 2 weeks?

And while we're on this topic... it's been 7 weeks since I had Miss Brynn and I still feel so flabby in the belly area. Yes, I lost all my pregnancy weight, but I still feel so... soft. And yes, I know my belly previously housed a 9.3 pound baby and it will take time to go down and feel more firm, but that doesn't help me with the muffin top that I have right now.

So... I went shopping this weekend for some nice shirts to wear when I return to work next week {more on this topic later} and I was lucky enough to find some really adorable things. My work pants even fit me when I tried them all on today after packing away my maternity clothes.

BUT... the muffin top. Sigh.

There's nothing I can do about it. Some of my pants were even too big everywhere and still gave me a muffin top. Looks like I'll be living in Spanx for awhile...

I'm sorry for the whiny post today. I'm just a bit discouraged with my lack of weight loss on the 30 Day Shred. I probably should have saved the fashion show for a different day, right?

Anyone feel like voting for the fat girl?
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brandi @ tales of a domestic goddess said...

don't feel discouraged you have a newborn!! =) and your stomach will get harder with time. =) i hate the muffin top too... and poor you 9.3 lbs. ouch! =)

Anonymous said...

You may be staying the same weight because you are gaining muscle, which over time will result in an increase in your metabolism and loss of inches. Don't be too discouraged. I'm impressed that you could do the shred for 12 days in a row!

Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all, you are NOT the fat girl. You are beautiful. Correction: You are a beautiful mama to two beautiful and BIG babies! Please, Jenni, give yourself a break.

At least you're actually doing the 30-day shred. Every night I keep saying tonight is the night I will start! Then it's 9:00, I'm exhausted and I've had two snickers ice cream bars. sigh.

I've got the muffin top too and my babies were like munchkins compared to yours. I lost all the weight and have gained back 8 pounds. That's right EIGHT whole pounds. Sigh again.

Keep it up. It will pay off eventually.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way right now, but at nearly 4 weeks out, I can't exercise yet. But the belly flab and complete lack of ab tone is killing me! However, you reminded me that I have Spanx, which may give me a prayer of fitting back into my pre-baby clothes sometime in the near future.

Maggie said...

I understand where you're coming from. My baby will be 6 weeks on Wednesday. But unlike you I still have a long way to go. I gained a lot of weight with my 8.6 pounder, but I have lost 24 lbs, but have been stuck here for 2 weeks now. I know you can do it. At least you have the motivation to do the shred. I'm still trying to decide how to lose this extra weight. You are beautiful and you have two beautiful children. I love reading your blog!!

Anonymous said...

I give you props for getting thru 12 days of the shred:) I did day 1 and was laid up for 4 more recovering:)

I'm 2 months into my boxing and while I feel my core getting stronger (and my legs, bum, arms, and just about everything else), the muffin top remains. It's just going to take work - keep it up, you're doing great!!:)

Also, something to think about. Watch your caloric intake. If it's too low, your body will start to store fat as a self preservation mechanism (espec if you're BF'ing). If it's too high you're not going to lose the weight. I tracked my intake for a week and found that I wasn't getting enough to eat with all the working out and what not!

mamahood said...

You are NOT fat!!! You are gorgeous. And I know with weight loss it is super easy to get discouraged and down on yourself. But you have been working out, and doing what is needed to be done. So weight loss when happen, just not when you want it to ;) and you have 2 babies one of which you had not too long ago.....keep up the good work!!!

Tammy said...

I was going to say the same thing about calories. Last time I lost the baby weight I discovered I wasn't eating enough. Once I upped my calories, more weight started to come off

This time I am right there with you. Carleigh is 2 months and I feel so...gross. Then I try to remember it took me nearly 6 months to get back into my regular clothes when my son was born. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

You'll get there! Just give it time and keep up the exercise, it will definitely help even if you don't realize it right now.

Anonymous said...

You are definitely not fat! Give yourself some credit for sticking with Jillian for 12 days..almost half way done! You are probably gaining muscle..maybe that's why some of your work pants are big.

I am 5 weeks pp and I still have weight to lose and cannot fit into any of my pants yet!

Anonymous said...

Don't get discouraged! You're doing great. Have you tried doing something else other than the 30 Day Shred? I've done the Shred and I know it's a good workout, but in your case (which was similar to mine) it might be better to switch up your exercise routine so your muscles are forced to work harder. Do the Shred 3 times a week and some other cardio work out in between days. Jumping rope is a great calorie burner and even if it sounds silly, using a hulahoop for 20 minutes will really work your core. Now if only I could follow my own advice and do all of this regularly :(

Jennifer said...

I think it might take a while for your body to respond to the workouts. Keep up the great work, it WILL pay off! :)

jenni from the blog said...

Thanks so much for all of the wonderful comments everyone! I don't think my problem is eating too little calories, that's for sure ;)

I'm sticking with it, so we'll see how it goes from here!

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