Of course, my first stop at a new hat for my little man was none other than Etsy. My gawd do I love that site. Anyway, after searching high and low, I have narrowed down my search to the following hats. They all range in price from a shocking $6 to a whopping $30. I'm not going to say which hats cost what, I just want your honest opinion on which one you like the best :)
#1: {can this kid GET any cuter??}

Poll's on the side. Thanks for your help!!
I like the first two best. And as much as I love the yellow/gray combo, I choose the blue and brown combo for Carter. Seems more boyish.
I like #2 & #5.
Hey Girl,
I always go on etsy too, to find stuff for the girls... I really like hat #1... it's really cute.
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