19 May 2010

Birth Annoucements, birthday cards, and an update, oh my!

What does a girl do when she's patiently waiting to meet her baby? While design cards, of course!

This past weekend, I worked on Brynn's birth announcement as well as Carter's 2nd birthday invitations and I wanted to share them with you!

This is the design I decided to use to announce the birth of our baby girl to family and friends. The front will include 4 pictures from our newborn session with Stephanie Glover Photography {which had to be rescheduled from this Saturday to next Saturday because we thought Brynn would be here by now!!} I'm still playing with the fonts a little bit, and the birth information is obviously made up right now =)

You can see a larger version here.
I wanted to keep the back of the card very simple. It will include just one picture and have the monogrammed "b" on the bottom. You can view it larger here.

The next order of business was getting Carter's 2nd birthday invitations done! We decided to go all out for Carter's 1st birthday, and as much fun as we all had, it was a LOT of work! With a newborn around, we decided it was best to keep it low key this year.

Because Carter probably has more friends then both Bob and I combined, we decided to have a kids party at a local indoor bounce house facility the day before his birthday. We've been to this place for a few parties and the kids always have a blast. And let's not forget about the fact that you're in and out of there in 2 hours and you don't have to clean up =) Again, with a newborn to care for as well, this was the perfect choice!

We also plan to have a little family BBQ on Carter's actual birthday, which falls on a Sunday this year.

So, without further ado... Carter's birthday invitations {with fake info of course... I can't afford to invite all of you ;) } You can see a larger version here.
Bob thought they looked a little "babyish." I think he's forgetting about the fact that Carter is only turning TWO.

And last, but certainly not least, I wanted to share with you the invite I designed for Kelly, who won my Blogaversary giveaway! She decided to use her free card design for her daughter's birthday invitations. She mentioned that her daughter Madison loves baseball and has a lot of little boy friends, etc so she asked if I could make my classic baseball invitation into something fit for a girl!

This is the design I came up with and I think it turned out adorable! I don't have the pictures of Madison for the card yet {and all the info is fake, of course} but I couldn't wait to share it with you. Again, you can view a larger version here.
So that's all I have... let me know what you think of everything! I listed the Bounce House invite design in my Etsy Shoppe already, and I plan to list the birth announcement and the girl baseball invite in there once I have pictures on the designs.

As for me, I'm still hanging in there. Feeling fine, no contractions {of course!} and still working. Tomorrow is actually my last day and I honestly can't believe I made it this far.

Though this entire time I had a gut feeling I would make it to my induction date of May 24th, I guess I was hoping that I would be wrong.

I've been wrong a lot in this pregnancy:
I thought I was having another boy. Wrong.
I thought I'd deliver on May 14th. Wrong.

But making it to May 24th while I sit here at 6cm and 80%. Now THAT, I'm right about.

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Shannon said...

I love all the cards!! Brynn's colours are so pretty in hers!
Did you make them in photoshop?

Sarah said...


MrsKBJ said...

I love all the card you have been working on!! Madison's invite is going to be so cute!! Thank you so much!! xo

Steph said...

Love the cards and can't wait to take her newborn pics to pop in there!

sara said...

So cute! Can't wait to see the finished announcement!!

Anonymous said...

I love Brynn's announcement and I think the bounce house will be the perfect party for Carter!! And I can't wait to see Brynn's newborn pictures.

Anonymous said...

I love both of the designs! I haven't quite decided what to do for Landon's birthday. But we spent WAY too much money last year so I want low-key as well. Might as well make it easier on ourselves. Plus, we'll both be planning big 1st b-day parties next May so we need to save up :)

Emily Roe said...

Oh- they look so cute!! I hope you have a speedy delivery!

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